Your good habits should always outweigh your bad habits and even when you aren’t aware that you have any bad habits, you need to know that habits are something that are automatic, and you don’t always think about them before you do them.
Most of the time, we do about 40% of our actions without thinking of them and these things include stuff like blinking and breathing or even driving. Some habits are not as good and are bad habits and some of them are things that you aren’t even aware of.
Past and Future
Just like other things in your life, your past could be something that you have a hard time letting go of. If you are a prisoner of your past, you often base your whole life on your past, and it can influence the decisions that you make in your future.
Just because you were cheated on or someone was mean to you, it doesn’t mean your next relationships will be that way. Move forward and do not let your past cause you to have problems in your future.
Expecting the Worse
How often do you think about things you don’t want to happen, and you allow your stressful thoughts to ruin your day? You have to learn to let things happen as they do and focus on what is happening instead of what you think might happen.
Do not think of all the things that can go wrong and start thinking of positive things that can happen. This will help you to worry less and to be happier in your life.
Mutual Friends
If you are being honest, you will admit that you sometimes talk about other people when they aren’t around, even if it isn’t bad. You might realize you have crossed the line sometimes and you need to make sure you don’t do this.
Talking about someone can cause others not to trust you and even if it seems harmless or you aren’t doing it to hurt the other person then you can get caught in the middle of something that you wish that you didn’t do.
Not Following Through
Think about all the things that you tell people that you will do and when you wish that you had more time to get things done. Cancelling things will get people thinking that you make promises that you will not keep. This will make people look down on you.
Do not commit to things that you cannot do and do not cancel things unless there is a real emergency. Stick to things that you say you will do both big and small.
One of the biggest habits that people have that causes them to miss out on things is by doing things that do not have a real outcome. You sometimes will be in the way of your own happiness and it can cause you to have frustration.
If you want to lose weight, for example, you think more about it than actually doing something about it and this is a self-destructive habit.
If you do not want to change or you cannot go after something, you need motivation. Separate yourself and stop resisting what you want to do.
One bad habit that many have is to compare themselves to others. There will always be someone that is better, better looking, richer, the list goes on and on. You have to remind yourself that who you are is good and that you are enough. Stop comparing and thinking others are better, they are just different.
Look at the things you are successful at and change what you are bad at to achieve your goals.
Obsessed with Change
Sometimes people become obsessed with change and it is because they aren’t who they want to be. You have to accept who you are, and you have to learn to be the best you can be. You only have the power to change yourself but if you are choosing to change for the wrong reasons then you are missing out on what is good.
Be concerned if you have bad habits and learn to change those, otherwise learn to accept yourself.
Happier if…
We see things around us all the time that we want, need or we wish we were. We have to realize that we are sometimes confused about our own life because we see other things and other people and the honest truth is that you do not need those things to be happy.
If you have a better career, there will always be a better one come along, this will not bring you happiness. Learn to love who you are and what you have and embrace life.
It is good to get rid of things that you don’t need in your life or to have goals and desires but make sure that you are not unhappy with your life right now because of something you don’t have.
People sometimes think they will be happier if they have more money or more things but learn to be thankful for what you have now and stop thinking about the what ifs in life.
Negative Thinking
We have hundreds of thousands of thoughts each day and sometimes we do not even realize how negative we are being. Maybe you grew up in a negative or bad household and you are used to thinking negatively and you forgot or never learned to have positive thinking.
Thinking negatively can affect your life and you will see if you really stop to look that you are constantly putting yourself down and constantly being negative. Change this and start thinking differently.
Do you do what you say you are going to do, or do you act like you say others should act? Sometimes people have ideas for everyone else, but they forget to look at themselves. They are unaware that they are very hypocritical and that they are not doing what is right.
Don’t give advice to people when you are doing the same things wrong. What works for you does not always work for others and even if you know someone, you don’t always know what they are thinking or why they do what they do.
Be honest with yourself and think about all of the toxic habits that you have. You can change these things and you can strive to do better and be successful in life.
Learn to live a happy and fulfilled life and to give up on toxic habits that are holding you back.