Feeling Spiritually Stuck
Everyone has a moment where they feel they are stuck in their spirituality. They feel prayers don’t go any higher than the ceiling. They try to reach their higher vibrational selves but feel it’s going nowhere. They have no clue why their spirit just seems super quiet with no guidance at all.
There are ways to get past this. It may take some time, but you can find your spirituality again with some effort.
Understand Your Place in the Universe
Everyone is created for eternity. We have physical bodies that will die, but we still live on. Our souls, our spirits, were created to live forever. Understanding that will help you get into the flow of spiritual consciousness.
Meditation and prayer will help with this process. It may be that you feel those things aren’t working, but that isn’t a reason to give them up. Instead of making excuses to not pray or meditate, go about them differently.
Stop talking during these times. Just sit there and focus on listening.
Protect Yourself
Anyone who is seeking a deeper spirituality should pray for divine protection over their mind, soul, and body. After all, you are opening yourself up to spiritual beings, and some of those may not be good for you. Some may impersonate those you love to fool you and lure you into a direction you shouldn’t go.
Ask for God to protect you on your journey. It may be that your spiritual wall went up because God knew you weren’t protected. In a way, He was protecting you when you weren’t ready for a deeper connection.
Ask to join God in the work He is already doing. Think about it. God never stops working, so you don’t have to create work for Him. He’s already in the process. All you have to do is join Him in His work.
Figure Out Who Is Talking to You
As you break through the spiritual wall, you will have different types of thoughts and ideas. It’s important to know where they come from so you will know if they are credible. A direction from your guardian angel or God would have more credibility than your intuition. Your intuition will have more credibility than a bad spirit trying to fool you.
Understanding the Source of Messages
It’s important to discern who is talking to you with so many possibilities around.
First, determine if it’s your higher self-talking. When it’s your higher self or intuition, you will hear all the arguments of pros and cons. You will answer questions after you fully ask them. Getting an answer requires concentration.
Angels, spiritual guides, and the Holy Spirit are direct with answers. They tell you things without you concentrating on questions or even thinking about them. Things tend to pop into your head.
Recognizing Negative Energy
Be aware that evil energy will inject negative things. Sometimes, they make it seem positive, but it’s not. For instance, the idea that “if it feels good, do it” is a negative one because it doesn’t consider others. It has no moral standard.
Judge what the spirit world is telling you against your moral compass and your intuition. If it violates either, it isn’t a positive spirit or angel. Remember, God never changes, so His standards won’t change either. Actions prompted by Him wouldn’t hurt you or others.
Seeking Validation Signs
Look for validation signs after you receive communication. Many times, God or angels will send you subtle signs that let you know that what you heard was real.
Once, there was a request for money to pay a bill. It was a lot of money by most standards. The feeling was that God said yes. The phone rang a couple of hours later with a job for the company. The job paid the amount requested. Validation was confirmed.
Embracing Spiritual Growth
Understanding that spirituality isn’t just a magical Santa Claus is key to breaking through the wall. Spirituality is learning how to live your life in a way that serves others and gives you the highest quality of life.