Emotional breakdowns are happening to women all over the world. Stress can be in the form of physical symptoms but that isn’t the whole problem. Emotional breakdowns go deep and even if a woman looks fine on the outside, she might be struggling on the inside.
When stress happens, anxiety and worry can overcome them and consume them. They are emotionally exhausted, and they also have to deal with stress in their body and their mind. Stress can be building but when a woman gets to the point of an emotional breakdown, here is what can happen:
- Her body gets tired, and her health becomes weak.
- She feels that her relationships are over even though she isn’t sure why.
- She might wake up and realize that she is no longer happy.
Stress Burnout
Stress burnout can cause people to have a lot to deal with. Maybe you have a failed relationship, and you feel like your life is a big mess. You might not even realize that your body is trying to tell you to get help and to slow down.
You will see that burnout can happen when:
- You choose not to face it.
- You don’t talk about what is going on.
- You don’t understand what is happening to you or how to fix it.
Recovering from an Emotional Breakdown
Once you go through a breakdown it can be hard to recover and there is no one-fix all situation. This requires the person to look at their life and to shift their thoughts even though this is something that can be uncomfortable.
Are you tired? Not able to sleep? Having headaches or panic attacks? These are signs of a breakdown but there can also be symptoms that are subtle that you might not even see. Here are some of the ones that people often overlook:
Your Vagina Changes
Many women hate looking at their vagina. They might think it is weird or smelly and it is a place where the dreaded period comes each month. When a woman goes through an emotional breakdown though, chances are she might not be aroused like she was in the past. She might not want to have sex with their partner or to form any kind of connection. This can leave her feeling even more secure than she already does.
This can be a big sign that something isn’t right in your emotions. Women don’t always enjoy sex like men do but a woman that is not able to get any pleasure from her vagina might be in a state of stress. She might shut down and when it comes to her body, she lets things get in the way like shame or not feeling worthy to be loved.
When stress is there, it can make women feel that they aren’t enough. This is a time for a woman to learn to reconnect with her vagina. Be confident in your sexual health and have a good sex life.
Your Cycle is Confusing
You might not even know when you’re going to get your period or when you are ovulating. You have to listen to your body. If you have ever had a baby, you know what it was like to conceive but if you aren’t listening to your body then your cycle might be confusing. These things are important in the midst of stress:
- To understand your cycle so that you can understand your hormones and have peace with your body.
- Know that your cycle affects the energy you have and can change your mood.
- Your cycle can show you that you need to have rest, and this is important when you’re facing stress.
If you don’t know your cycle though then you won’t be able to understand your mood swings. Women that have burnouts often don’t understand their cycle and they fail to look at things that their cycle can create such as:
- Cramps.
- Tiredness.
- Migraines or headaches.
- Mood swings.
- Holding fluid.
- PMS.
- Tender breasts.
As you learn to understand your cycle you can see what is going on in your body as your cycle changes.
Not in the Mood
Being in a bad emotional place will likely make you not in the mood to have sex. Even though you might have had a big sex drive in the past, you might see that now sex is no longer exciting, and you wonder what’s wrong with you.
The truth is that a lot of women lose their sex drive, and they often blame themselves for this happening. There is normally a good reason that you don’t want to have sex and even fi you think that its about your body, the chances are that the low desire can happen when you feel burnout.
Look at your life and find out what is making you unhappy. See how deep you want to go into your emotions and how you might see that this is affecting your desire for sex. Take time for yourself, slow down, rest and get off your electronics for a while. Be honest with yourself and then take the steps to feel better.
You Want Everything Perfect
People that are perfectionists often have a hard time having peace in their life. They get up at the same time each day to work hard and to do their best, but they forget that their overall wellbeing is what is important.
It is good to be responsible and to do your best but when you think that everything has to be perfect, you are just in a state of not thinking you are good enough when you are. People that deal with perfectionism will:
- Try to constantly prove themselves to everyone.
- Think that they need to be more spiritual.
- Read self-help books to feel more human.
They will often feel that in order to be worthy, they have to be perfect. There is no way that you can be perfect because no one can be. You should be striving to better yourself and to be the best that you can be, but you are worthy even without being perfect. Don’t keep trying to prove yourself to everyone but believe that you are worthy of love and life.
Lack of Intimacy
When your relationship seems to be struggling, chances are that stress and burnout have gotten the best of you. You are probably busy in your career, family, relationships and other things but your intimacy with your partner is what will struggle the most.
If you are not appreciating your partner, spending time with them or being intimate then your relationship will start to struggle. No matter how good your relationship is, if intimacy and communication leave the relationship, chances are it will cause a lot of arguing and resentment.
Even if you are the cause of much of it, you will feel that your partner doesn’t see you or heart you and you will argue about this. The problem is that your partner probably feels the same. An emotional breakdown can cause you to get to this point.
But the good news is, talking about this with your partner can help to fix the relationship. You will start to appreciate the small things again and you will see that your mental health is healing.
Competing with Others
You should never compete with others or compare yourself with those around you. Doing this is so unhealthy and even though it can be useful to get you to appreciate the things that you have in your life, when you compare yourself to others because you want what they have, you will be stressed and are in danger of an emotional breakdown.
Comparing to someone for good is one thing but when you do these things then you are in a dangerous place:
- You brag about your success in front of others.
- You judge other women as trying to get attention.
You should be someone that is able to have healthy relationships with your family, friends, partner and even with other women. If you are unhappy with your life, address those things but don’t feel that you are threatened by other women just because they have something you don’t.
You Can’t Make Decisions
There are decisions to make each day and when you find that you aren’t able to make decisions then chances are you are burnt out. Not able to make decisions means that you are going to become overwhelmed, and you aren’t going to take action to better yourself. Here are some thing that you might not be able to decide on:
- What to eat.
- What to do on the weekends.
- What to spend money on.
Even these kinds of small decisions can cause you to be stressed and cause you to do nothing because if you can’t make a decision then you will likely choose to do nothing.
It can be hard when you’re facing a breakdown, and you do good things for yourself. You have to realize who you are and what you want, and that life is important and precious.
Can’t Say No
Everyone should have boundaries and you should be able to say no when you don’t want to do something. You don’t have to please every person that you meet. If you are someone that is a mother, you know that you are powerful and you are able to take care of those that you love but you don’t have to give up your power by giving up your boundaries. You can support yourself by saying no when you don’t want to do something.
If you feel guilty when you have to say no it shows that you are putting the needs of everyone else in front of your own.
Stopping Yourself from Having an Emotional Breakdown
You don’t have to get down in the dumps before you do something good for yourself. Here are some things you can do to stop yourself from having a breakdown:
- Journal.
- Ask yourself questions about what you’re doing in your life.
- Get excited about doing things in life.
- Address the symptoms.
- Build a good relationship with your body and learn to listen to it.
- Have self-love.
- Know your cycle.
- Know who you are and what you want and need.
- Live the life that you want to live.
You are powerful and you can be confident as you live your best life.